Greater River Life Blog is a ministry of Andrew Paul Kizito that focuses on daily life issues using the word of God 'Bible' as the reference for encouragement, motivation, correction and guidance.We talk about anything that is going in our day to day lives and our hope is that you will be educated, inspired,motivated and challenged to rely on the word of God for your daily life.
Friday, April 19, 2013
It's not just a shoe drive
God has been so gracious to me in my life and I don't ever want to take any thing lightly or for granted the opportunities he provides or brings my way. Like many of you must be knowing already,I started a children's ministry in uganda over seven years ago, to primarily instill godly values and discipline into children in my village and also as a way to spread the word and love of Jesus in action to children at a young age just like I was privileged to know him earlier in my childhood.
Along the way through many lows God has brought us to a place where we now run our own school offering free academic education and a good biblical foundation which we believe will impact their lives in a very special way and also change their surroundings. One thing however has touched my heart so deeply that I felt the need to share my testimony on the great 'asset' called shoes!! As far as I can remember in my life growing up in Uganda is that I never owned more than one pair of shoes, and the one pair I owned took me to school, church, played soccer with it and went with me everywhere I went.
Now that is for almost the first 15 years of my life , first of all boys shoes for some reason
were always more expensive than girls shoes and growing up with a single mother who had to play all roles including taking care of herself without any external support, I was even very lucky to have a pair of my own, by then actually we used to purchase second hand everything from a big open air market with products that came from Europe and the US and I mean everything to your imagination!! Before the mighty Chinese introduced brand new cheap products to our markets....
Now recently very good friends and partners in the ministry initiated a shoes drive for our children in the village of Kyoga, and the results have been so amazing, it's only a few days ago that I felt so inspired to write this blog to testify of my own story and what shoes mean to me and those poor little children.
One of the most captivating shoe memories I have is when I was a teenager at 15 years and I remember one of my cousins I was staying with had to give me one of her own pair of shoes for me to wear to school, and my cousins were girls for your information!!!
Just imagine having a 15 year old American boy teenager wear girls shoes to school, church, weddings and everyplace... It was so embarrassing but I didn't have any other choice and one thing I used to pray and declare was that if I got money 'one day' I would have a closet full of shoes.. Because I vividly remember that if my shoes weren't torn from the many miles to and from school, the abundance of rain in uganda or the beautiful game of soccer!! Something was eating away my one pair of shoes and oh yes one day they even stole the only pair I had at a school soccer game. I had removed them on that fateful day to use them as goal posts or parameters for the opposing side, by the time we came back from a counter attack on the opposite side my shoes and school shirt were taken and to this day you and I haven't heard of the whereabouts of my black shoes and school uniform, I do however still remember how mad my mom was and the whooping I received that day.
I am not just writing a fun and sad story but a story to thank everyone who has been a part of this successful shoes drive, and also to let you know the impact you are making in a child's life you may probably never meet and most importantly not taking for granted the conveniences we have in this country.
On behalf of the great team and leadership we have at Kuza Africa here in the US and in Uganda thank you so much for being the hands and feet of Jesus.
I now 'own' six decent pairs of shoes and I am content with that number!!!!
With gratitude,
Andrew Paul Kizito
Kuza Africa
Thursday, January 3, 2013
The Best Teacher
John 14:16
'And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever'
Happy New year friends, it's a blessing again to share with you what God impresses on my heart... I really do take this ministry very seriously that's why I always wait to have a new message inspired by God's Spirit.
As we all know this is a brand new year and a time for all of us to reflect on Our lives and how we can better ourselves,
having said that, life is not a simple resolution list, but a work in inevitable progress!
As a father for the first time you get so excited about your new child and you want to be the best dad in their world , the same applies to any new challenge marriage, job, career or anything you are engaged in at this point.
From my point of view and little experience it's very hard to make the best mature decisions while maintaining your excitement and wanting to do the best for the people you love or thing you love
For example getting a new job and getting some good money and you suddenly storm the mall every weekend purchasing
all the things you ever dreamed of or say being a movie fanatic or a party thrower.
Whatever you enjoy doing or aspire to do we all need someone wiser than us to show us the way to do it.
In my case it is being a good father, personally I didn't get to see my father as he died before I could even register memories of him, so having no figure to physically learn from, I was so unprepared and unsure of how to handle my new responsibilities.
Now, this being a new year I know some of you might be graduating from college, some getting married, some starting a new business or whatever it is you are starting on this new year or maybe you want to have another chance at the things you have been unsuccessful at, I want to remind you that we all have the best teacher available upon request !!
The Holy Spirit is our guide in all things not only on Sunday or when you are in trouble but even when you are stuck on the highway and you need wisdom on how to change your tire!!
I tell you I have found myself in situations that were so difficult to navigate out of and it did take God himself through the Holy Spirit to get me out of there!!!
The Scriptures say that he will guide and teach us in all things, my friends don't allow yourself to succumb to failure, regret and defeat, we have a way out of these things that bother us terribly, the Holy Spirit of God will help you, Jesus calls him the helper, that is one of his main roles... So please don't carry all the problems of the world on your head.
You have help ready for you as you begin this year strongly, remember he will never leave you nor forsake you, but you need to ask, the scriptures also say that he is our ever present help in times of trouble so call upon him today and explain your limitations like you would to a friend .
I may not be the most perfect father or husband in the world but I tell you this my friend that whenever I am faced with situation that requires me to act immediately and I can't reach for google!!!
The Holy Spirit is always present and he always provides the solution or idea that I need at that point to make it through, take advantage of him today.
God bless you and keep you in his love
Let me know how this blog is blessing you.
Go out and overcome all your challenges today in Jesus name.
Andrew Paul Kizito
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