Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Taking Back Ours

       It’s always a blessing for me to get on the laptop and share with you my heart and the messages God places in my spirit. The Lord has placed urgency inside me to address daily life issues from a biblical standpoint and to encourage the body of Christ to fully live the life our savior died for.
     As followers of Christ we many times live below what God has intended us to, but I believe with all my heart that once we realize whose we are and the sacrifice he made for us to be free, we can live in the ‘promised land’ even here on earth regardless of what is around us, be it hard economic times, strained relationships and all the evil that surrounds us today.
     Speaking of hard times that are obvious to us each day especially here in America it is very easy to be distracted, disappointed and even lose the ‘Joy of our salvation’ David in the bible after sinning against God by killing one man’s husband and committing adultery on her, after realizing his mess he earnestly pleads to God to not take away his holy spirit and the Joy of his salvation.

Psalms 51:11 Do not cast me from your presence
    or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
The most important thing in David’s life was not the woman she had stolen and killed for, not the majestic palace he was living in or even the power he had as king. What was most important was being in the presence of God or more clearly living with the presence of God each day of his life, and additionally having the Joy that only God gives.

      When you read in-depth the story of David’s fall into this sin, you also realize that the child that was born as a result of his uncontrolled sexual desire and greed died after a brief illness. Now David doesn’t dwell so much on that knowing that he was being punished for his acts, he instead pursues what is most important: Having the Holy Spirit present in his life and also the JOY that God gives.
Many of us ,me included make mistakes every day, we lose things that we treasure so much ,in this economy the most valuable ‘asset’ is having a job, expecting a child and having a roof over our heads etc. etc. but none of these things beat the Joy that God gives.

      Imagine why do we go to school, work long hours, some people even steal or con others for a quick buck? We all want to have that state of satisfaction, we want to be happy, we are seeking Joy in the wrong places, in drugs, sex, shopping, education, having children all these may to a certain point make you happy but true happiness comes from seeking, finding and maintaining the presence of God and his spirit in our lives ‘EVERYDAY’

   That’s why we need to go back to the root and source of our joy , peace and content. Do we want to have fulfilled relationships?  Exciting family moments?  Have successful careers and achieve our ambitions? The secret is going back to seeking God and his righteousness and the rest shall be added to us (Matthew 6:33)

God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places but to enjoy them, maintain them is our job everyday , let’s take back our families, let’s take back the gifts God bestowed on us, let’s raise our children in the way of Lord and enjoy the fruits of our labor by seeking God daily, involving him in our decisions, inquiring of him before making major and minor moves and I promise you God will direct our paths..

P.S Listen to the Audio version on the link below:

Blessings to you as you fully enjoy all his benefits,
Andrew Paul  Kizito


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