Saturday, December 8, 2012


Greetings dear friends and loved ones.. My trip to Uganda is coming to an end today. I bless God for all the great things he has done and the ability to get most of things I had in plan done.
 I thank you for all the prayers and the support in all ways.
Today Saturday we are wrapping up the activities for my stay but the ministry will continue, by the grace of God we have a fully functioning board of directors working tirelessly and for free to make sure everything  goes well.
   On the plate today is another give way of care packages I brought from our church New Life Community Church, I was given three boxes of toothbrushes, toothpaste, booklets, pens and pencils and more all in a single package for each child, I wish you could be here to see the kids buried in excitement as each one for the very first time in their lives would own a real toothbrush and use toothpaste to clean their teeth, as opposed to using little dirty sticks and ash or to keep their teeth clean daily.
    Now just a few days ago, when we gave away the kids care packages we had two full grown fathers who came and they wanted a package for themselves thankfully we had more than enough. But it’s interesting because African men don’t get involved in things like this.. let alone got to do with little kids and teenagers in God related activities.  So we thank God for that, actually one of the men came to me, shook my hand and thanked me. Can you imagine this small package preached the great message of the love of Christ to men who would have never made it to church and all the glory goes back to God.
    We shall also have a big meal and drinks for the kids from the whole village, we pray we cook enough food to feed all of the them.
    We shall also prepare sponsorship packets today, because some of the parents or guardians I have talked to, say they want their kids to go to school, they just cannot afford it. So we pray that we can secure sponsorship for the children through you our partners and well-wishers.
    Alright I have got to run and get to work and later pack for my journey back home to the U.S tomorrow night.
  Keep us in prayers and will talk to you again very soon,
Andrew Paul Kizito


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